Computational Living Matter

Lying at the intersection of biophysics, soft matter, active matter, physical chemistry, and applied mathematics, we aim to uncover new fundamental principles, emergent phenomena, and methodologies of soft and living matter by thinking beyond traditional boundaries.

Colorful fabric with droplets

Current Research Directions

Phase separation is emerging as a principle for organizing cellular components and regulating biochemical reactions. We explore how nonequilibrium biological processes interact with phase separation.

Biology offers a rich playground for diverse soft matter systems from condensates to cytoskeletal filaments. Our research aims to discover new emergent phenomena that arise in active and soft matter systems far from equilibrium.

By applying data-driven approaches, we aim to extract governing equations and constitutive laws of complex systems from image data and microscopic simulations, bridging the gap between theory and experiments and across length scales.

Aerial view of UC San Diego with Scripps Pier by the ocean

Join us at the beautiful seaside UCSD campus

Zhao research group

University of California San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0319
La Jolla, CA 92093